Sunday, February 24, 2013

Let's Learn about Jobs!

In March, our preschoolers will begin to learn about jobs in their community, the places they work and the vehicles they use. Below are a few of the occupations we'll be learning about.

We'll also continue to practice our song "The Wheels on the Bus":

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, 
the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long!

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep, beep beep beep, beep beep beep,
the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep, all day long!

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish, swish swish swish, swish swish swish,
the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish, all day long!

The doors on the bus open and close, open and close, open and close,
the doors on the bus go open and close, all day long!

The people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down,
the people on the bus go up and down, all day long!

The babies on the bus go wah wah wah, wah wah wah, wah wah wah,
the babies on the bus go wah wah wah, all day long!

The mommies on the bus go shh! shh! shh!
the mommies on the bus go shh! all day long!

The daddies on the bus say I love you, I love you, I love you,
The daddies on the bus say I love you, all day long!

At night the bus goes to sleep, goes to sleep, goes to sleep,
at night the bus goes to sleep, all night long!

Los oficios

En marzo, los alumnos de infantil comenzarán a aprender los oficios que vemos en nuestra comunidad. Verán dónde trabajan y qué transporte utilizan. Abajo verán Uds. algunos de los oficios que forman parte de esta unidad.
También seguirán con la canción que ven arriba, "The Wheels on the Bus".

*Graphics from Super Simple Songs and Community Helpers by Jaimie Knudson at

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